I was asked a couple of times if I have a personal website, especially by non-techy friends who would assume that if I can build one I should have one. And I can’t say they’re wrong. But the answer was always no, with an iteration over various excuses and a feeling that I should probably do something about it. In some shape or form. As soon as I figure out the form.

The first idea that comes to mind is a personal weblog. After all, I do enjoy programming, solving problems and learning about technologies - presumably the same as others who blog about it. My excuse was that I didn’t feel that I have the writing skills. You might know the feeling - you enjoy the resonance of the words in your head while reading through someone else’s work and wish you could write as skilfully. But instead of trying it I was telling myself that I’m a developer, that writing essays is not exactly my forté. Forgetting that only by practice one can excel and that communication skills are key skills for engineers. Just the same as a full list of other Soft Skills.
So I should now sit down and start writing. And you might want to do so as well, if you haven’t already.