Know Your Options

Topics: java, scala, options

Are you having troubles with Null Pointer Exceptions (NPEs)? Do you find it cumbersome to defend against them every few lines of code? If you’re not doing it already, you should probably try using Optionals in Java. Also known as Options in Scala.

What are Options?

It’s a concept that originates from the type theory in mathematics, and also known in various languages as Nullable or Maybe types. You can basically think of them as collections like a set but with either exactly one value or none - [ value ] or [ ].

We will start with a use case in Java and the native java.util.Optionals in Java 8. There are other versions widely available such as Guava Optionals that existed for a while longer, and also available for older versions of Java - but we will stick to the java.util version here.

Say we have a defined interface we are supplied with, which returns some result value. But it may return a null value if no results.

interface Calculation {
  Result getResult();

If we were to just naively call this in our code, it could result it an exception:

Result result = calculation.getResult();
result.doSomeWork(); // are you sure this is not null?

To make sure we are safe we would need to write some extra code, which is not obvious from the interface declaration:

Result result = calculation.getResult();
if (result == null) {
  // log and raise metrics
  // or throw an exception
} else {

This can easily escalate as the system grows, I’ve seen a few examples where it feels like most of the code is there to catch NPEs. But don’t get me wrong, it is still better than a missed edge case which breaks the system in unforeseen scenarios.

Now let’s change our interface to use java.util.Optional:

interface Calculation {
  Optional<Result> getResult();

This defines a clear expectation that the returned value may not exist, and if it does, it is of type Result. It’s also quite simple to wrap the implementation code into Optionals:

class SomeCalculation implements Calculation {
  Optional<Result> getResult() {
    if (hasResult) {
      return Optional.of(new Result());
    } else {
      return Optional.empty();

So now when we’re calling the new getResult() method the picture is a bit clearer and it’s much harder to forget to defend against NPEs:

Optional<Result> result = calculation.getResult();
if (result.isPresent()) {
} else {
  // log and raise metrics
  // or throw an exception

Of course this is still verbose. But luckily there are some nice helper methods that can make your code more readable:

// return a result or throw an exception
Result result = calculation
  .orElseThrow(new MissingResultException());


// return a result or a default value
Result result = calculation
  .orElse(new DefaultResult());

How is this done in Scala?

Scala has Options built in most if not all libraries, so it’s practically unavoidable to use them. A big thumbs up for Scala! There are some small differences in the syntax compared to Java Optionals:

def getResult: Option[Result] = {
  if (hasResult) {
    Option(new Result()) // or Some(new Result())
  } else {
    Option.empty // or None


val result: Option[Result] = calculation.getResult
if (result.nonEmpty) {
} else {
  // log and raise metrics
  // or throw an exception

In the Scala implementation there are actually two types that inherit from Option: Some and None. Calling Option(value) is actually checking if the value is null and instantiating Some(value). So it’s slightly safer to use Option instead of Some, but in this particular case it wouldn’t make a difference.

Edit: As mentioned in the comments, Scala offers many more idiomatic ways of using Options, and I recommend you to explore them. For instance, one way to write the same code as above would be using the fold method:

// let's extract the handling of the missing value for better readability
def handleMissingValue() {
  // log and raise metrics
  // or throw an exception

val result: Option[Result] = calculation.getResult
// the first argument is an expression that evaluates in case of None (usually a default value)
// the second argument is an expression that should be executed if there is a value
result.fold( handleMissingValue() )( res => res.doSomeWork() )

When should I not use Options?

There is a definite (albeit mostly small) overhead in wrapping your results with an extra object instance. In memory footprint, immediate performance hits and more work for the Garbage Collector. So if your work is really performance critical, it always makes sense to keep things lean - but for most use cases I suggest using your Options.

Published on: 08 Mar 2016